new car sales tax deductible 2011

is there a credit for purchasing a new vehicle in 2011? - TurboTax.
2011 new car sales tax rebate - TurboTax Community.
Jan 27, 2013. It seems like every other driver in my part of Texas has bought a car.. local income taxes or state and local sales taxes expired at the end of 2011.. Deducting the sales tax on your new car or other major purchases also is.
Mar 13, 2013. The right for taxpayers to deduct state sales taxes paid expired at the end of 2011 .. If you purchased a vehicle, boat or airplane, you may add the sales tax you paid on that big-ticket item to the amount shown in the IRS. But note this: The new rule applies only to shares purchased in 2012 and later years.
I am not sure if 2010 still has the sales tax deduction, but in the past, they just. year's prop tax I'll pay after 1/1/11, and 2011's bill I'll pay before 12/31/11.. was able to also include the sales tax on the purchase of my new car.
TurboTax Deluxe; 5:23 am PST February 5, 2011. can I deduct the sales tax paid on a new car purchase in 2010. I bought a new car in August 2010. I live in VA.
Use the IRS's sales tax tables to figure the deduction.. State and local sales taxes, including those paid on a used or new car; State and local income taxes.
Tax Credit of up to $8,000 for First-Time Homebuyers and $6,500 for Existing. They are not required to sell or dispose of their current home, but the new home .. Half of the conversion will be taxed in 2011, and the remainder will be taxed in 2012.. The tax rate on capital gains from the sale of assets held longer than one.
2011 tax deductions not to forget - Handling Hard Times : The.
new car sales tax deductible 2011
Sales tax deduction alive and well -
Vehicle Sales Tax Deduction - Deducting Sales Tax on a Car, Truck.
Jan 27, 2013. It seems like every other driver in my part of Texas has bought a car.. local income taxes or state and local sales taxes expired at the end of 2011.. Deducting the sales tax on your new car or other major purchases also is.
Mar 13, 2013. The right for taxpayers to deduct state sales taxes paid expired at the end of 2011 .. If you purchased a vehicle, boat or airplane, you may add the sales tax you paid on that big-ticket item to the amount shown in the IRS. But note this: The new rule applies only to shares purchased in 2012 and later years.
Last Chance Opportunity to Deduct General Sales and Use Taxes.
Jan 10, 2012. The legislation that permitted a deduction of sales taxes on a new auto in. Do I qualify for sales tax deduction if I purchased a car in 2011?
A one-year-only deduction for 2009, individuals who purchase a new vehicle ( including motor homes) can deduct sales tax or excise taxes, even if they don't.
can I deduct the sales tax paid on a new car - TurboTax Community.
If you live in a state with no income tax, it's a no brainer: deduct your sales taxes. . you can add the sales tax amount paid on the vehicle to your state sales tax deduction – if. Purchasers of a new 2010 VW Jetta Sedan 2.0-liter TDI between July 1 and December. (For 2011 medical driving, the rate rises to 19 cents a mile.).
New Vehicle Sales Tax Deduction….Some Confusion. Posted by Mark on Feb 16 , 2011 in Tax Tips | 0 comments. The IRS did not extend the benefit of the sales.